Can multiple notices be served at one time?
Yes. Its common to serve a three-day notice, and a thirty-day notice, and possibly a rent increase, and 24 hour inspection at the same time. A landlord needs to cover all bases at one time.
What if I am not certain what I need to do?
Call for consultation. We offer a 10 minute consultation free of charge. 800-738-2583. Please leave a message and we will return you call.
What if I have a difficult tenant?
We have had the pleasure of evicting many difficult tenants including: a 70 year old woman that was wanted on 50 counts of fraud, a jewelry dealer fencing stolen goods, a watchman who would not leave a property and boarded up all the windows, multiple felons, drug dealers, violent tenants, clever tenants who bought cock roaches, broke windows, and damaged heating systems to avoid evictions. We even evicted a tenant who took off the sliding glass windows of a home and was hiding his car from the repossessors! There is nothing that surprises us including a double suicide in a property where we needed to gain possession. The list of crazy threatening tenants we have served and evicted could fill a novel.
We may be able to assist you.